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About us

The Trails Shop is run by Unlimited Trading. We are a small company run by people who love walking. The team is probably smaller than you imagine - there are just the three of us and we all do a bit of everything to ensure things run smoothly.

We've been involved with trails and walking for many years, both personally and professionally and love bringing our passion for walking to work! Between us we’ve worked as a Trail Manager, a Countryside Ranger, a Countryside Officer, Trail Promotor and Trail Consultant not to mention the many trails and walks we’ve audited for local authorities. We’ve worked on walking projects with Transport for London, Department for Health and Natural England amongst others.

We have a wide knowledge of trails so if you've got a question about a trail please get in touch  - we'll do our best to help. If we can't answer your question then one of our dogs probably can! 

Our Special Features


Chief product tester. Buys lots of stock. Does all the tricky financial bits, packs and posts out most of the orders.


Faces an uphill battle in getting Anne and Lisa to be more business like, social media expert, writes beautiful copy, has the neatest handwriting.


Answers emails, tries to stop Anne from buying even more stock, fixes website problems, designs stuff.


Jack is the newest member of the team. He is still learning about stiles and sheep – so he mostly goes on trails that don’t have too many of those. Jack is still being trained so gets a lot of treats – he’s working on persuading Anne to buy some for the shop.


Ned's greatest assett is that he likes bringing people together. Literally. Usually in small huddles, as they try to assess who is in charge of the dog rounding them up. The answer is Ned. Ned is in charge of Ned and in his opinion, he does a very good job of it. Amanda has likened living with Ned to living with Lassie but without Lassie's good intent!


Floyd loves all trails, especially any that have a beach (although a nice muddy puddle will do too). His big question is why doesn't The Trail Shop have any squirrels - so many acorns but no squirrels? He's going to have a word with Anne.